Htaccess and addhandler problem


htaccess addhandler not working when changed.

  1. Main – is running php4
  2. – needs to run php5 i've added in the following Addhandler:

    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php .php4 .php3 .phtml .tpl .html

    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php .tpl .html .phtml

no luck on any of those.
3. i added a test.php with phpinfo() on the and its reading php4…
4. went to the Main and removed the Addhandler for php4 retested the test.php on and it read php5 (which is the system default) the script also loaded perfect fine.

for some reason the htaccess under Main is effecting the entire domain. why would something like this happen?

Best Answer

Yes you can only load one php module. When you want to set the Handler in .htaccess for different php versions you should run fastcgi with the different modules.

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