Htaccess exception / “deny from all except Paypal”


I spent my evening on this problem and I did not find how to solve/bypass it 🙁

I have in "" a .htaccess file with the following :

<Files ~ "[^index]\.php$">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All

The goal of this .htaccess is to protect all the included files, as inc/config.php for example, from being directly called.

My problem is that I wish to make an exception for a notification php file used by paypal.
In other word, I have a file "" and I wish to allow to execute it.

I tried tenth of things, as adding a "Files" authorization in the .htaccess

<Files /admin/paypal/notify.php>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from

But succesless 🙁

… as if

<Files ~ "[^index]\.php$">

was the only followed rule.

Best Answer

<Files filename> only apply to a filename, you cannot use a path with it.

The Files directive documentation states:

The directives given within this section will be applied to any object with a basename (last component of filename) matching the specified filename.

Possible Solution:

In the directory admin/paypal, create an .htaccess with:

<Files notify.php>
  Order Deny,Allow
  Deny from All
  Allow from

Edit: reversed Deny and Allow.