HTTP reverse proxy redirect internally


To me, this seems like a simple scenario:

  • Client makes request to reverse proxy at server X (
  • Server X forwards request to backend server Y (
  • Backend server Y responds with 3xx redirect to another backend server Z (
  • Proxy server X intercepts the 3xx redirect and makes the request again to backend server Z. It does not return the 3xx redirect back to the client.
  • Proxy server X responds to the client with the result of the redirected request from backend server Z.

I need this because some clients do not seem to handle the redirection (especially when doing PUT), so I would like the redirection to happen invisibly and internally on the proxy server. (I am actually running a WebDAV server on the backend, so my clients are Cyberduck, Nautilus, OSX Finder, etc).

I've searched a huge amount for an existing answer to this, but had no luck (this question is basically what I want, but there are no satisfactory answers and it's been inactive for a year. Hopefully things have changed since then).

I would like to use an existing soluion for this if possible. Is it possible with Apache/Nginx?

Best Answer

So after much more googling, and a chat with the apache guys on IRC, it seems to be impossible with apache. So I took a look at nginx, and managed to find a solution using X-Accel-Redirect with a configuration like the one at the end of this answer.

See the relevant blog posts:


    server {
        listen       80;
        location / {
            proxy_pass         http://localhost:8000/;
            proxy_redirect     http://localhost:8001   http://$host:8001;
            proxy_set_header   Host             $host;
            proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP        $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        # Proxy download 
        location ~* ^/internal_redirect/(.*?)/(.*) {
            # Do not allow people to mess with this location directly
            # Only internal redirects are allowed
            # Location-specific logging
            access_log internal_redirect.access.log main;
            error_log  internal_redirect.error.log  debug;
            # Extract download url from the request
            set $download_uri  $2;
            set $download_host $1;
            # Compose download url
            set $download_url http://$download_host/$download_uri?$args;
            # Set download request headers
            proxy_set_header Host $download_host;
            proxy_set_header Authorization '';
            # The next two lines could be used if your storage 
            # backend does not support Content-Disposition 
            # headers used to specify file name browsers use 
            # when save content to the disk
            # proxy_hide_header Content-Disposition;
            # add_header Content-Disposition 'attachment; filename="$args"';
            # Do not touch local disks when proxying 
            # content to clients
            proxy_max_temp_file_size 0;
            # Download the file and send it to client
            # This is where the magic happens
            proxy_pass $download_url;