Httpd – Redirection on Apache (Maintain POST params)


I have Apache installed on my server and I need to redirect from http to https. The reason for this is our load balancer solution cannot hand https so requests come in on http and then we transfer them to https using the below lines in the httpd.conf file.

     Redirect 302 /GladQE/link

This works fine for GET requests but POST requests will loose the parameters passed on the URL. What would be the easiest way to perform this redirect and maintain POST params?

I need to get from to here maintaining POST params



Best Answer

As specified in RFC 2616 Sec 10.3, if the response to a POST request is a redirect (301, 302, 303, or 307), the user agent must NOT repeat the POST at the new location.

Your only hope for repeating a POST would be for the first response to return some JavaScript that automatically re-submits the form data at the new location.

However, considering that you've already divulged the form data over cleartext HTTP, there really isn't much point to continuing the session over HTTPS. You really ought to start earlier and present the user with the initial form over HTTPS.