Httpd – Setting up Virtual Host in Fedora Core 15 using apache


I'm trying to setup a couple of Virtual Host files on my Localhost PC running Fedora Core 15.

Now I get this working, but now onloy one Virtual Host site works, and if I type in which is not related to the Virtual Host site , I get redirected to the Virtual Host site.

Here's what I did.

  1. I created a new folder called virtualhosts in /etc/httpd/ where all my host files are stored in the following format site.conf
  2. In /etc/conf/httpd.conf I enabled NameVirtualHost *:80 and included the host files at the bottom of the config page like this Include virtualhosts/*.conf
  3. In /etc/hosts I added the line website

No when I run sudo httpd -t I get Syntax OK

I restart apache and then the Virtualhost works, but as soon as I add other hosts and only use as above it still links to the original host.

Am I doing anything wrong here or left out something?

An example of my Virtual Host file looks like this

<VirtualHost *:80> 
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/website/ 
    ServerName website 
    ServerAlias website 
    ErrorLog logs/dev-error_log 
    CustomLog logs/dev-access_log common 
    Alias /blog /var/www/html/blog/ 
    <Directory /var/www/html/website/> 
       Options FollowSymLinks 
       Allow Override 
       All Order allow,deny allow from all 
    #php_value error_reporting E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED 
    php_flag display_errors On 
    php_value date.timezone Europe/London 

Best Answer

If you are setting up a name based virtual host then I think you should access it by ServerName instead of the depending on what is on your virtualhosts config file. This is true if you have multiple virtual hosts (websites) bound to a single IP.

Update - You can try setting up your virtual hosts on different ports (for testing purposes only)

<VirtualHost *:80> open in browser via website:80

<VirtualHost *:81> open in browser via website:81