Httpd – What can cause Apache HTTPD to use 100% CPU indefinitely


An application running a lightly loaded Apache HTTPD 2.0 has occasionally had problems where one (or more?) of the Apache processes took 100% CPU. We currently run HTTPD 2.2, I we may have seen this with 2.2 as well. I'm not certain. In some cases, the CPU usage was such that it blocked all but console access to the Windows server hosting HTTPD. I have never been able to track down what can cause Apache to do this.

The environment is Apache HTTPD directly serving static content, using mod_rewrite but not much else custom configuration. HTTPD is talking to Apache Tomcat (5.x) via mod_jk (1.2.25).

Has anyone else encountered this and solved it? The workaround we installed is to limit each Apache HTTPD subprocess to a maximum number of requests with the following configuration:

MaxRequestsPerChild 1000

where because the application uses HTTP/1.1, this is really more than 1000 requests per child process and more like 100,000 requests per child process.

Best Answer

It's most likely that the lock-up is happening in a module rather than in Apache itself. Your setup sounds pretty minimal, so I'd suspect mod_jk as the culprit. If limiting MaxRequestsPerChild fixes the problem then I'd say that's an acceptable workaround. It's possible that a bug in the module is only triggered after a long time or many requests, and unless you're really keen on tracking this down then making it go away is probably good enough.

If you want to track it down then the first thing to do is configure CoreDumpDirectory to point to some location that the server user can write to. If you can get the offending process to leave a core file behind then it should help you track down the cause of the problem. You can find some hints on doing this in the Apache Debugging Guide.

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