Hyper-V: allow communication between two internal NAT networks


I am a bit new to networking in Hyper-V, and I am not sure how to connect two separate NAT networks to each other.

I used the following link to create two internal NAT networks:

Here are the specifications of the internal networks:


  • Network:
  • Hyper-V internal vNIC IP:


  • Network:
  • Hyper-V internal vNIC IP:

The connection for both is shared with the external IP address of Hyper-V server:, and then is forwarded to a router on

My question is, how can I allow the DMZ and Admin networks to talk to each other? As of right now, they both have no problems reaching the outside world, e.g. Is there is a way to let two NetIPAddresses talk to each other?

Following is a Paste Bin of Hyper-V's Get-VMSwitch, Get-NetIPAddress, and Get-NetNAT

Best Answer

Each network is effectively isolated behind a separate NAT router managed by Hyper-V, in a similar way that your home router isolates your home network behind a single public IP address. This is how the networks are accessing the outside world.

The challenge is to connect the two separate networks together within the Hyper-V world and this will need a router. It would be a simple matter to create a virtual router and connect it to both networks using two virtual NICs.

Create a VM and provide it with two NICS - one in each network. Assign it an IP in each network and install an OS that will allow you to route between the two networks. Here are some examples:

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