Hyper V – can’t connect to virtual machines via the console


I have Hyper-V added

I recently attempted to add a new virtual machine to my Hyper V server but realised there was not enough memory on that server to cope with another machine. I reduced the memory allocated to three other machines and tried again.

After adding the machine, with no operating system yet, I suddenly cannot access any other machines from the Hyper V console.

I double click the machines in the list, or select them and click "Connect" – there is a slight flicker and nothing else happens?

I have since removed the partially created machine. Restarted the server (a couple of times actually). I've checked the event logs…nothing.

I can start any of the virtual machines and connect to them remotely once they are running but I cannot connect to them, on the host, via the Hyper V console.

What could the problem be? Where should I be looking?

Best Answer

I had an issue where I had to manually reset the hyper v security to get the VMRC to connect.

I just cant seem to find that website right now.

I will see if I have a copy of the batch file lying around somewhere.

Ok was a registry fix for this. Save the following to a .reg file to fix the VMRC security issue.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



"Hyper-V"="Microsoft Virtual Console Service/*"

"Hyper-V"="Microsoft Virtual Console Service/*"

"Hyper-V"="Microsoft Virtual Console Service/*"

"Hyper-V"="Microsoft Virtual Console Service/*"

"Hyper-V"="Microsoft Virtual Console Service/*"

"Hyper-V"="Microsoft Virtual Console Service/*"

"Hyper-V"="Microsoft Virtual Console Service/*"

"Hyper-V"="Microsoft Virtual Console Service/*"

"Hyper-V"="Microsoft Virtual Console Service/*"