Hyper-V Remote Management Domain > Workgroup


I'm having trouble connecting my Hyper-V Server manager on a windows 8.1 client to a remote Server 2012R2 Hyper-V Server. The Client is on a domain and the server is in a workgroup outside the network. When I try to add the server I'm getting the error:

"RPC server unavailable.  Unable to establish communication between [SERVER] and [CLIENT]"

Here are the steps I've taken so far:

  1. Added the remote server as a trusted host to the client machine
  2. added credentials for the remote server to the client using cmdkey /add:[SERVERFQDN] /user:[SERVERHOSTNAME]\[USER] /pass:[PASSWORD]
  3. Ran winrm quickconfig on the server
  4. Manually set DCOM permission to allow anonymous logon on the client and the server
  5. Added the hostname of the server to the client's hosts file
  6. Rebooted the server
  7. Added the local administrator on the server to the Hyper-V Administrator's group
  8. Both firewalls were off during testing

I've downloaded and run hvremote /show /target:[SERVERFQDN] and can see that there is a problem:

- Connect to root\virtualization WMI namespace
      FAIL - Connection attempt failed

      - Have you run hvremote /add:user or hvremote /add:domain\user
        on the remote computer to grant access?

      - Are you sure the computer name has been entered correctly?

      - Are you sure the remote computer is running Hyper-V?

On the server I've run hvremote /add:"CLIENTDOMAIN\MY LOGIN" and get the following error:

 ***** GetTrustee Failed: CLIENTDOMAIN\MY LOGIN not found
***** If [DOMAIN] is a domain, you need to be connected to the domain for this to work

At this point I'm at a loss. What steps have I missed? Any tips or help anyone could give would be really appreciated.

Best Answer

Below is what I've done to add a workgroup server in Server manager to my domain computer running Server manager.

On the computer that is running Server Manager, your Win 8.1 client, add the workgroup server name to the TrustedHosts list. For example, to add the WGroupSrv computer to an existing list of trusted hosts, use the following command in Poweshell as an admin.

Set-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts WGroupSrv -Concatenate -Force

I know you said both firewalls are off, so the following probably isn't helpful, but if your Domain Client computer and your Workgroup server are not in the same subnet, on the workgroup server, change the inbound Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In) setting in the Windows Firewall to allow connections from remote computers by adding the computer name of your Win 8.1 Client on the Remote Computers tab of the WMI (HTTP-In) setting’s Properties dialog box in Windows Firewall.