Hyper-V Reporting Wrong Uptime


I am having an issue whereby Hyper-V Manager does not report the correct uptime for some of our Virtual Machines.

I had started all the Virtual machines minutes apart but on the Hyper-V Manager there are a few which report different uptime.

Two Domain Controllers - 7 Days
Exchange - 5 Days 5 hours
SQL Server - 5 Days 9 hours
DATA Server - 4 Days 13 hours

So far I have already done the following:

  • Checked through Event Logs for any errors or resets. (e.g Hyper-V Worker)
  • net stats srv – on each virtual machine which reports the same uptime as the DCs
  • Using systeminfo | find /i "boot time" – which again reports same uptime as DCs
  • Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem | select csname, lastbootuptime

All of the above commands give me the same uptime as the Domain Controllers but HyperV is reporting the wrong uptime.

Only thing we have running is backups but these do not save or reset the virtual machine as this is known to cause the uptime reported to be wrong.

Does any one have any other suggestions to what could be causing this?

Best Answer

I believe I have found my issue.

We currently using Veeam to run backups on each Virtual machine. I decided to watch the backups run naturally at 2am.

I noticed within the Hyper-V Manager window when the Backup started on a particular VM the Uptime had paused while Veeam backup was being carried out. There is no save or reset logs when the backup has started.

All of the other virtual machines times were still ticking away.

It looks like my Veeam Backups are the culprit.. although I would have expected a reset or save log in Event Viewer!