Hyper-V spontaneously pauses all VMs


I just had an odd thing happen with a Hyper-V server that has 4 guest VMS running on it. The host server and all guests are Server 2008 R2 SP1.

I logged into one of the guest VMs using Remote Desktop and rebooted a web application running on it, then logged out. I tried to access that service remotely and it was unresponsive. I tried other services and they were unresponsive too. I logged into the host server and opened the Hyper-V console, and all of the VMs were paused. WTF? I manually resumed them and off they went.

I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything to make those VMs pause. One I may hove done accidentally somehow, but a bunch of 4, definitely not! So how could this have happened? What would make VMs pause themselves?

Best Answer

Your host ran out of disk space (or thought it did, can happen with flaky clusters or SANs)

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