I configured HP ILO, now I get hponcfg errors


Just installed I-Lo a few days back to one of my servers (Proliant DL380 G7).

Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility picked up a DHCP based IP address and I changed it to static.

Lights-Out said it would have to reset a couple of things and may become non-responsive for a couple minutes. I waited but it popped up an error that said:

"error encountered in execution of HPoncfg. Please check the log at program files\hp\hponcfg\ _current_date_time_.txt"

When I go the log I see no data usually. Sometimes I will see a bit of header data where it spells out remote online config utility version and then a line of ======'s for spacing. But that's all that is there.

I never set up a user in lights-out before I hit restart. I have a feeling I somehow locked myself out in doing so. The first couple of launches of the program before I set it from dhcp to static had no issues. As soon as I made the change the error started happening.

Is there anything I can do to reset this or am I going to have to reinstall lights-out? The "reset" options from within Lights-Out both cause an error when I try to run them.

Best Answer

The ILO configuration can always be overwritten and configured using the BIOS utility. If in doubt, just reboot your server and hit F8 when prompted in the BIOS to enter the Lights-Out configuration utility. Double-check your settings there.

If you continue to have problems, consider a firmware update. HP has a bootable Firmware Update DVD that can be used to bring the system inline with reasonable firmware revisions.