I need clarification on Apache2, MPM-Worker, FastCGI, PHP5-fpm, suEXEC


My current configuration is:

Apache2 + MPM-Worker AND FastCGI + PHP5-fpm (PHP 5.3.2) ON Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

I have a single pool of 2-5 processes running as a different user from that of the default www-data. FastCGI/PHP5-fpm is configured as an external server via FastCGIExternalServer

I know that I can setup multiple pools running as different users …

But, I want to know if it is possible to use suEXEC in this type of setup? And, could it be setup with just a single pool? If so, how?

Best Answer

As of now, It is not possible to run a script as anything other than the user defined in the FPM pool.

You would need to setup a different pool and define the other user/group.

Is there some reason you can't or don't want to create separate pools?

EDIT: If you are worried about wasting idle resources, there is some talk about creating an "ondemand" feature for fpm-pools, that would essentially "fire up" the pool when it gets requests: http://groups.google.com/group/highload-php-en/browse_thread/thread/753ddceff2ef0411/8ebaddeec4f676f0?lnk=gst&q=idle+pool#8ebaddeec4f676f0

I highly recommend the highload-en php google group "...for discussing php, FastCGI, php-fpm and all technologies around for use in high loaded environments." http://groups.google.com/group/highload-php-en?lnk=srg