IBM ServerRaid lost Raid-5 configuration


I have an IBM server x3400 with 8 drives divided into two arrays.
After reboot, ServerRaid lost the configuration of the Raid-5 array.
The 6 drives that used to be part of this array are there, but it seems like I need to initialize them in order to configure the array again.
Can I configure the array again without losing the data on the drives?

Best Answer

This is Adaptec SAS RAID, quite unlike previous SCSI RAID controllers. It keeps the config on disks, and imports it into controller on startup. That's probably what went wrong. Ctrl-A is the key into config utility. But beware- most things that can be done there are destructive. Especially initializations. Probably the best shot is to power off, remove two RAID1 disks, and try starting up with remaining 6 disks. If it recognizes the RAID5 config there, you'll have a chance to do backup.