IBM x345 raid-1 with 2 defunct drive, how to get it back


I have an IBM x345 server running raid-1 with 2 drives that went defunct after a reboot. ServeRaid has an x by both drives (36g scsi) marked defunct. The option to rebuild the defunct drives under ServeRaid is not there. Is there any way I can get my data back from this? Any help appreciated. Thank you.

Best Answer

what you can do is try to reinit the raid

  1. power down host, remove both drives
  2. power host up, go into raid controller setup and reset the config (the drives should be out, remember?)
  3. power host down again, insert the two drives
  4. power host up, go into raid controller bios, and create a new raid1 on the two drives, make sure you don't mix up their order, and very important - DO NOT LET THE NEW RAID INITIALISE - it will erase the disks
  5. if you know which drive failed first, force it offline, if not, try the procedure, forcing offline each of the drives and trying to boot using the other in a degraded raid array

This should bring you to a host with one disk online, and the other offline, making the raid1 degraded, but usable enough to boot and back up the data