Icecast port forwarding not working


I have a PC that I'm running icecast server on. I can access my server on my LAN by using In my netgear router I forwarded external port 8000 to

However when I try to access externalip:8000 the connection times out. What could be causing this?

I should add I've tried using two different PCs for the server, in two different locations, with two different isps and routers. Both windows computers.

Best Answer

In my experience a standard home user style router creates a firewall rule when port forwarding is enabled (Not Guaranteed on all routers). Other then that all I can think is does windows running the server have a firewall enabled? if so is external networks allowed. 2) I use Linux personally this may or may not be relevant for windows as well when accessing my external IP address from inside the network I always get timeout errors. Something to do with how internal networks route. Have you tried giving a friend your IP and ask them to test this from another remote location?

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