Identifying failed hard drive in RAID

hard driveraidstoragesun

I have a server which is running customized version of Debian. It is attached a sun storage raid. It has very limited tools and installing new tools is not allowed. 🙁

This message I see in dmesg:

end_request: critical target error, dev sda, sector 556782970
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Unhandled sense code
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]  Result: hostbyte=0x10 driverbyte=0x08
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]  Sense Key : 0x4 [current] 
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda]  ASC=0x44 ASCQ=0x0
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB: cdb[0]=0x28: 28 00 21 2f d5 7a 00 00 08 00
end_request: critical target error, dev sda, sector 556782970

So it seems there is badblock in sector 556782970, but I don't know which hard drive it belongs to so that I can get it replaced.

  • arcconf getlogs command does not reveal any issues with drives.

  • I did arcconf task start 1 logicaldrive 0 verify_fix but this didn't help.

  • I did an e2fsck check. It attempts to fix some inodes but above issue remained. (I assume since its physical issue).

more info:

Tools not available 🙁

Best Answer

If you actually use arcconf you can see physical drive status like this:

arcconf getconfig 1 PD

Look for drives with Failed state to identify drives that have been marked as failed. For your reference the output would look something like this:

  Device #6
     Device is a Hard drive
     State                              : Failed
     Block Size                         : Unknown
     Supported                          : Yes
     Reported Channel,Device(T:L)       : 0,15(15:0)
     Vendor                             : *MISSING*
     Model                              : 
     Firmware                           : 
     Total Size                         : 0 MB
     Write Cache                        : Unknown
     FRU                                : None
     S.M.A.R.T.                         : No
     S.M.A.R.T. warnings                : 0
     SSD                                : No
     MaxCache Capable                   : No
     MaxCache Assigned                  : No