iDRAC – How to Fix iDRAC Login Loop


I am trying to upgrade the iDRAC on my PowerEdge R710 but am unable to login to the Web Interface.

After I enter the admin login and password in the web UI, it thinks about it for a while, and returns me back to the login screen.

I am able to connect through SSH though. I've already tried resetting the iDRAC and changing the admin password.

The RAC log (racadm getraclog) seems to show a successful login.

iDRAC 6 on a PowerEdge R710

Best Answer

Have you tried looking at the iDRAC6 troubleshooting guide? They have a whole section of things to try for logon loops

Continual Loop

(Normally noticed when customer is trying to log into GUI Page).

  1. Ensure customer is using a supported Browser

  2. If customer has changed browser settings, reset to defaults and check.

  3. Clear the browser cache and browser cookies and restart the browser.

  4. Check the security settings of browser and the host operating system. Check the firewall settings to verify firewall is not blocking iDRAC network traffic

  5. Reset iDRAC

  6. Update FW/SW

  7. Try draining flea power by unplugging the server from power source and then holding power button down for 20 seconds

  8. Do an iDRAC reset to default using any of the following:

    a) racadm racresetcfg (No host reboot required)

    b) During POST enter CTRL+E option and execute Reset to default (Host reboot is required )

  9. After reset to default is completed, reconfigure iDRAC settings (LAN config, IPMI over LAN etc.)

  10. Replace parts

I've gotten these login loops before and usually the first 4 steps are enough to get me connected normally again. Usually, (assuming you haven't made changes to your browser) I start on step 3 and clear cache/cookies and can connect again about 90% of the time.