IE Setting in group policy — Disable automatically detect setting in LAN Settings

group-policywindows 7

have been trying to hunt this down for weeks with no luck.

i need a way to disable a setting..

in IE.

Tools > Connections > Lan Setting
i need to uncheck "automatically detect settings"

does anyone know a way i can do this via group policy.

all user on IE 9 or IE 10


Best Answer


There isn't a specific GPO setting for this.

You can import IE settings from a local machine into a GPP if you want and apply them that way. For instance, you can load up a vanilla IE, uncheck the box, and then import those settings into a GPO for deployment. But usually this causes more issues than it is worth in the long run.

The best alternative it would seem is to manipulate the registry, again via a GPP.

From the link:

Here's the key you are after:



Look for byte number 8 (starts at 0 so count 9).

Here's the values it can have:

Byte number 8 can take different values as per your settings.
The value is :
09 when only 'Automatically detect settings' is enabled
03 when only 'Use a proxy server for your LAN' is enabled
0B when both are enabled
05 when only 'Use automatic configuration script' is enabled
0D when 'Automatically detect settings' and 'Use automatic configuration script' are enabled
07 when 'Use a proxy server for your LAN' and 'Use automatic configuration script' are enabled
0F when all the three are enabled.
01 when none of them are enabled.
The next three bytes are zeros (Bytes 9 to B)

You probably want to set this from 09 (enabled) to 01 (disabled).

More info on here:

You will also find a post slightly further down (number 15) containing a VB script that the author says will change only that byte. I have not tested it.

Full info can be found here: