IE8, “Enable Native XMLHTTP support” option – why not

internet explorerinternet-explorer-8

Distributed network, about 600 PCs, just upgraded to IE8.

Currently the 'Enable Native XMLHTTP Support' option is disabled (perhaps this is an artifact of the upgrade from IE7) but its causing a few very specific problems with certain jquery widgets etc.

Is there any good reason not to turn this option on?

edit: This explains the setting for IE7 (when it was introduced):
MSDN: About Native XMLHTTP

Best Answer

Alas some paranoid organisations set this policy on believing that the native XMLHttpRequest object presents a security risk. For most (all?) circumstances, this setting shouldn't be set as it will break contemporary applications. However, when you're faced with paranoid "security" people who just say "no", it can be a significant political challenge to get this policy reversed.

Example: Oracle ADF won't work if this setting is on: