IE8 request problems in intranet


One of our customers has problems using our CMS (hosted at a server on their intranet). The problem does only occur in IE8 and not in other Browsers like FF or Safari.

It looks as if from time to time (at around every 3rd click) some requests do not complete.
I think it might be that the browser tries to load images(pngs, gifs) but gets stuck (the bottom status line of the browser sometimes claims to load images when nothin loads anymore).

Access in that intranet needs no proxy (and does not use one, they only use a proxy for external sites).

I have no clue about the reasons. Does that sound familiar? Any suggestions?

EDIT: Using IE8 over a ssh tunnel did not result in request beeing aborted or unresponsiv! It has to be something in the intranet then.

Best Answer

Use Fiddler to watch all the HTTP work IE is doing. This should enable you to track down the requests/responses which are failing, timing out, or otherwise behaving oddly.

It won't fix the issue, but it should help you narrow down what the issue is.

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