If you can’t change the RDS endpoint of an AWS Beanstalk instance, how do you do a blue/green deployment


From what I can tell, one can't change the Amazon RDS (RDS) endpoint of an existing Elastic Beanstalk (EB) instance?

If that is the case, than you can't have your code deployed to a stage server, stage DB, tested, then promoted to use the prod DB?

So how do you deploy stage without having to test against the prod db?

Given prod and stage, I thought the strategy would be something like this:

  • Snapshot prod RDS
  • Create stage with new code and point it at the snapshot
  • QA stage
  • Point stage to prod RDS
  • Change load balancer to send traffic to stage

Best Answer

I'm not familiar with Beanstalk, so take this with a grain of salt.

As I understand it, an A/B deploy strategy works kind of like this:

  1. A is in prod.
  2. B is in staging.
  3. Deploy to B until you like it.
  4. Make B Prod, turning A to Stage.
  5. GOTO 1

Databases are terribly stateful, and don't take well to swapping like that. As I've seen it done, step 3 up there is done kind of like...

  1. Snapspot A-prod into B.
  2. Run migrations on B.
  3. Run test series to validate it works.
  4. If tests, fail, GOTO 1 and repeat. Else, continue.
  5. During B-cluster promotion, apply known-good migration steps to prod database.

The tricky part here is the database indirection. For this, I suggest going Route53. During the deploy process:

  1. Stop all testing activity, and code-update the B cluster.
  2. Update the B-Database record to point to prod-database.
  3. During the deploy, run your migrations.
  4. Bring the B cluster into prod, which will be using the now-updated cluster.
  5. Stop the A cluster.
  6. Update A-Database record to point to Staging.
  7. Snapshot prod onto the test database.

You get the idea.

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