Iis – 403.16 – Client certificate is untrusted or invalid – IIS 6 – Windows Server 2003


i get the following error page if i try to open a https page on my server: "Client certificate is untrusted or invalid"

The Server was already working, i had to renew the certificate because it expired.
I checked all certificates twice (mmc) but don't see any outdated certificate.

I also try http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/Library/IIS/bb089a80-c8ba-4004-9c0f-f10fb6b36416.mspx?mfr=true but without success.

Any other suggestions?

Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

This is usually caused by something incorrect in the cert chain. I would check the FAQ for your cert authority and download and install all certs that they require. A reboot is often needed when you change intermediate certs.

Also, if you view the properties of the cert, and the last tab, it will show the cert chain. You can check with your cert authority to confirm that it's the correct chain. Sometimes old root or intermediate certs can clash with some authorities' certs.