IIS 7.5 web site directory permisions


As a learning experience I'm setting up (and trying to harden) a Windows 2008R2 web server.

My web sites are stored on a separate partition and are organized as below:


I've removed the default permissions for the "Users" group from the "domains" directory.

Here are the permissions for /domains

           CREATOR OWNER:(OI)(CI)(IO)F 

Each web site is configured with a separate application pool running under AppPoolIdentity.

I've granted modify rights to the "wwwroot" for the appropriate application pool user and read permissions for the anonymous user:

D:\domains\somedomain.com\wwwroot IIS APPPOOL\somedomain.com:(OI)(CI)C 
                                    NT AUTHORITY\IUSR:(OI)(CI)R 
                                    NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)(ID)F 
                                    CREATOR OWNER:(OI)(CI)(IO)(ID)F 

Is there anything else that I am missing regarding the directory permissions?

Best Answer

I'm doing something similar, but still differently:

  1. Why do you need Modify rights granted to wwwroot folder? Read & Execute is enough and only grant Modify when required (e.g. temp, upload, cache folders -- where content will be created/changed, for example by website app (PHP/ASP.NET etc)).

    I grant "Read & Execute" to D:\domains\somedomain.com (it is enough) and Modify to a specific folders: D:\domains\somedomain.com\var. If I have an app/script that requires Modify right on web-accessible folder (for example, LiveZilla live chat software), then I grant it there, e.g. D:\domains\somedomain.com\wwwroot\livechat\banners.

  2. I do not use IUSR user -- I'm using "Application pool identity" instead:

    • "Application user (pass-trough authentication)" on "Site | Basic Settings | Connect as"
    • and "Application pool identity" on "Site | Authentication | Anonymous Authentication"
  3. I do not have "CREATOR OWNER" at all (it was causing problems when running PHP scripts -- unable to execute them at all + something else (don't remember now), so I have removed it from the whole D:\domains). I pretty much have: SYSTEM, Admins, APP_POOL_SPECIFIC_ID, SPECIFIC_FTP_USER.

The above works fine for me on 6 servers with no issues so far (Am I lucky?).