IIS 7 error logs


Where are they located?

Using windows 2008 server/ IIS 7

I am getting a 500 error and would like to know if there is any other place other than Event Viewer that can shed some info, such as IIS error logs. Currently all I can find is access logs – in the inetpub folder

Best Answer

If you make the request locally you'll get more detailed error messages.

You can also enable Failed Request Trace logs by going to Start>Run>Server Manager, Roles, Web Server(IIS), Add Role Services then check Web Server\Health and Diagnostics\Tracing. You'll need to enable this per-site by right-clicking on your site in inetmgr and then Failed Request Tracing. By default these logs will appear in %systemdrive%\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles\W3SVC<ID>