IIS 7 URL Rewrite: not working with C:1 back-reference for redirect url


Im using IIS7 with the URL rewrite module and I can not make it work properly.
The rule looks like this in web.config

            <rule name="Redirect to new enviroment" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="default.aspx" />
                <action type="Redirect" url="http://www.example.se/play?id={C1}" appendQueryString="false" redirectType="Permanent" />
                <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAny" trackAllCaptures="false">
                    <add input="{QUERY_STRING}" pattern=".*id=(.*)&amp;.*" />

and the url that is comming in is

The result is that i am redirected to

So the id (37185) is missing from the result.
When I use test pattern in IIS Manager it looks ok, and says that the back-reference {C:1} should contain the id.
What am I missing???
I have tried using "Failed Request Tracing Rules" but everything looks like it should work.

Best Answer

It looks like your rule is using {C1}, but it should include a colon such as {C:1}