IIS 7 Using Domain Account for Application pool identity Invalid Password


I have an asp.net website containing a WCF service that I am developing on a Windows 7 machine hosted with IIS 7. I am needing to connect to an instance of Reporting Services 2005 with the service, and have been getting 401 errors when trying to execute reports. So, I assume that I need to be running the IIS Application pool under a domain account. The problem is that when I try to change the identity to a domain account, I get the error message "The specified password is invalid. Type a new password." I've rechecked the password multiple times to make sure it is correct. The account I'm using has admin rights on the machine.

I saw elsewhere to try running this command: aspnet_regiis.exe -GA domain\username which I did but it didn't help. What else do I need to do?

Best Answer

If you are getting an invalid password error then either the password or user account could not be validated.

Make sure the username is in the format of DOMAIN\username or username@domain.ext.

Also, make sure the account isn't locked, disabled, etc.

Worst case, change the password on the account. If it says the password isn't right, most likely it isn't.