IIS and HTTP 401.0 – Unauthorized


I deployed my ASP.NET MVC application to my local IIS (same computer) and I'm getting

HTTP 401.0 - Unauthorized 

after accessing the application through the browser.

I'm using forms authetication and on the development server it works fine.

I depolyed also a default ASP.NET MVC project and its working fine, so it must be something application related. Is there any way to get more information on this particular error ? Any log file or something. The message HTTP 401.0 – Unauthorized isn't realy helpful.

Found some logs c:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\ but there wasn't anything.

Tested on
Windows 7,IIS 7.5 and Windows Server 2008 R2 IIS 7.5

Best Answer

First, check whether this is a permissions issue. Try this:

Select the web application returning 401 - Unauthorized, and double-click the Authentication feature. Right-click the "Anonymous Authentication" provider and select edit. Switch the default anonymous user account ("IUSR") to ApplicationPoolIdentity. Now, right-click the web application in the left pane, select Edit Permissions..., select the Security tab, click Edit -> Add and add IIS APPPOOL\NameOfAppPool. Make sure the Application Pool Identity has read and execute permissions of the folder.

If you want to enable logging, check out this TechNet article: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc754631(WS.10).aspx