Iis – ARR servers in the Load Balancing pool automatically go from unavailable to available

arrasp.netiisload balancingweb-farm

I have 3 IIS web servers in an ARR web farm. When we do rolling releases, we take one server offline as a backup server and move it into an "Unavailable State" I have noticed that with ARR, servers will not stay in this state…they come back online automatically hours or days later. Does anyone know how to remedy this situation? This is very bad as the server that is down is typically not running the correct version of our code.

I need to keep a server unavailable until i tell it otherwise.

Best Answer

I would suggest configuring a health test to check the version to the version of the code that you want to run. When you make changes simply change the response match. You should also disallow new connections on a server you have a maintainence window on. This will drain the connections off and not allow them on regardless of the health of the server