IIS caches things, even when I disable output caching


I have an IIS web server on my local network for development purposes, and I want to disable all caching mechanisms. IIS seems to be caching everything, even when I disable output caching like so:

Output Caching window

I have set the above at the root of my webserver.

The weird thing is that I need to request a file a few times before it starts caching it.

I know that it can't be a client side related issue as I checked that they were requesting a fresh copy from the server each time.

Example of what I did:

  1. I create a HTML file
  2. I navigate to the above HTML file on the server (e.g. http://example/path/to/file/test.html) in my browser, and refresh the page a few times.
  3. I change the HTML file on the disk
  4. I refresh the page in my browser again, but I still see the old HTML file, and not the new one that I had saved to the disk in step 3.

IIS version: 7.5, Windows version: Windows 7

Can anyone help me please?

Best Answer

I realize this an old thread. However, I'm having the same issue and having trouble finding more information about it.

What may help though is a somewhat related article explaining this exact issue, where disabling Output caching the IIS way didn't help. What these guys did was disable/remove the module altogether. This is the only promising bit of information I have at the moment.

Here's the (old) post: https://www.lightmaker.com/get-your-iis-output-caching-right-for-sitecore-multisite-implementations/

Update: This hasn't resolved my issue, so there is something else in my case causing the caching. I'll leave the reply in in case it does help someone else.