Iis – Coldfusion server VERY slow page loads


I inherited a windows server 2003 coldfusion 7 server a few weeks ago. Today a network cable was unplugged by accident from the server. On plugging it back in, pages were NOT loading at all. Rather, we were receiving a generic coldfusion error page. After restarting IIS several times and coldfusion even more than that, we finally got pages to start loading. However, the loading is extremely slow (30+ seconds) on pages that used to load instantly. Loading through the local network (IE localhost/cfide/administrator) does nothing to help the load speed.

I am not familiar with IIS or Coldfusion (We're in the process of migrating this to Linux/PHP), so this is all new territory to me. I'm hoping someone may have experienced this issue in the past and can help me solve it.

I'm happy to provide any additional information that might be necessary….I'm just not sure what information you might need in order to help.

UPDATE – Have discovered that immediately after restarting IIS, a page or two will load immediately before going back to the slowness. Have also investigated the coldfusion logs which mention losing the connection to a datasource. Coincidentally, we are in the process of moving our MySQL database to a remote server right now. But surely this wouldn't cause the pages to hang forever..?

Best Answer

I would reboot first of all, there may have been something affected by the network outage such as defaulting to an alternate DNS or AD server or other impact.

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