Iis – Configure IIS to be used in an intranet with a specific IP


I work on this company where I was asked to develop a helpdesk, now the problem is that I have been asked to configure the webserver on which I will be hosting this helpdesk, internally only.

Since in this company we only use Windows, I decided to install IIS, PHP, MySQL and phpMyAdmin.

All of them are working flawlessly.

My boss told me that I should use the following IP to host the helpdesk:

I have never worked with IIS before, and if someone can help me how to assign this IP to my helpdesk I will be eternally thankful.

Additional information:

My helpdesk is already there and working flawlessly.

All I need to do know is assign the IP to IIS.

Best Answer

Assigning the ip to your server is enough. IIS will listen on (all IP addresses on the server).

If the server has more than one IP address and you want to bind only one of them, open your website in the IIS tree and select "bindings":

enter image description here

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