Iis – Configure IIS to rewrite IP Address to Site Name


So i've started my first web site from home, and I'm trying to get it up and running and google crawlable and the like, but I can't seem to figure out how to have my site name returned in the address bar instead of my IP address.

I've purchased a domain name for my site on Godaddy and then set it to redirect to my site.

When you type in the domain name, you get redirected to (not my real IP obviously), and that stays in the user's address bar.

In order to fix that temporarily, I've set up masking on Go Daddy which keeps the URL in the address bar, but just shows my website in a frame. This is fine for users visiting the site, however any kind of automated robot such as GoogleBot cannot discover my content because of the frame.

I've looked into ISAPI filters and server-site-rewriting, and the like… but I just can't quite figure out how to do what I need it to do.

Any simple suggestions or links would be appreciated.


Best Answer

You need to properly setup your DNS records on Go daddy to point to your IP. You need to set the A records.

EDIT Man this should be simple. Just make sure you are pointing your domain to your IP using DNS not forwarding and it should work fine. Or call go daddy! They are great on the phone.