Handling Moved Documents and Sites in SharePoint


My organisation has recently restructured, and as a result, we have to move a bunch of team sites in our Sharepoint 2007 Intranet (MOSS). This is going to result in changed URLs and broken links in plenty of documents. Not a good situation.

Does anyone have any ideas of how to best handle this?

So far I have thought of the following options:

  • Friendly custom 404 error pages for moved sites which give a link to the new site, and a search box with friendly text telling people to use it!
  • Redirection to the new location

Given that only the root of each site will change (e.g. http://intranet/site/old_dept/teamsite becomes http://intranet/site/new_dept/teamsite) it should be possible to do smart redirection for the rest of the URL which actually points at the documents, pages etc. I know this would be possible with Apache at least. However, the combination of Sharepoint 2007 and IIS6 is making it hard to track down the best way of achieving a friendly solution that keeps the user happy.

Best Answer

For your smart url redirection, check out the RDA URL Redirection utility.

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