Iis – Disabling Overlapped Recycling in IIS 6.0


I can't seem to find information on how to disable overlapped application pool recycling in IIS. Can anyone help me out?

Best Answer

The command should be:

cd \inetpub\adminscripts
adsutil SET w3svc/AppPools/DisallowOverlappingRotation "1"

Or, you can set it for a specific app pool with

adsutil SET w3svc/AppPools/AppPoolName/DisallowOverlappingRotation "1"

Be sure to replace "AppPoolName" with your app pool name.

I didn't test it, I typed it based on looking at the metabase, but it's going to be something very similar. If my first guess didn't work, let me know and I'll update it.

I'm curious why you want to set this. When are the overlapping app pools an issue?