Iis – Error in W3SVC counters – how to fix


beginning to encounter this error:

"It has taken too long to refresh the W3SVC counters, the stale counters are being used instead."

on our IIS6/Win2k3 boxes circumstantially whenever the HTTP requests get in the region of 500p/sec.

Doesn't crash IIS or any of the wroker processes so as far as we can tell the service is not interrupted, but it is causing dr.watson to spawn a process which starts consuming a lot of processor time, which does lead to 503 "Service unavailable" responses.

No clue how to diagnose what's going on let alone fix it, and google/ms is of little use. Any ideas?

Best Answer

I realize this is for IIS 7, but this MS article says you should just restart the W3SVC process when that happens.

Another MS Technote that seems to be related: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;267831 (referenced here).

These are pure speculation on my part, though :)