Iis – Helicon ISAPI Rewrite is processing Rewrite Rules for httpd.conf but not .htaccess


We have Helicon ISAPI Rewrite 3 installed on our Windows 2003 Web server. The RewriteRules work fine in the global file located in the httpd.conf file. The server serves several Web sites and we were hoping to create RewriteRules to apply to specific Web sites. In the IIS Properties for each Web site there exists a separate tab for ISAPI_Rewrite pointing to the .htaccess file for that Web site. No rules applied to the .htaccess files work. Any ideas why the .htaaccess files have no effect.

Best Answer

Check NTFS permissions on .htaccess files and make sure you are not using the Lite version of ISAPI_Rewrite.

In the .htaccess files themselves make sure you have

RewriteEngine on

at the top of each file.

Edit to add: Put these lines in your httpd.conf file and reload the service. They will create error and rewriter log files. Checking the event viewer might also shed some light on the issue.

RewriteLogLevel 9
LogLevel debug 
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