Iis – How much memory w3wp.exe consume


I have 32 gb ram on my server, And my w3wp.exe process crashes when it reaches around 1gb of memory. I monitored it through task manager. It is a 64 bit machine

(Browser Requests are not responded when it reaches 1gb and application pool gets recycled)

My question

Is there any memory limit for w3wp.exe process ?

If i increase the physical memory in Application pool to use 8gb of ram will it work?

Best Answer

If the app pool is recycling due to a particular amount of memory being used, in the advanced app pool settings, check the 'Recycling' section. Be sure that 'Private Memory Limit' is set to zero to indicate there is no memory limit for the app pool before it recycles. You'll want to do the same for 'Virtual Memory Limit'.

Event IDs in the event log should tell you why an app pool recycled. Here is some additional info on those event codes:
