Iis – how to land www.example.com/subfolder on /index.asp not /index.html


In attempt to answer my question I did:

  1. read Miscrosoft "using virtual directories"
  2. read over a dozen + posts on stackoverflow / codingforum / dmxzone without a clear answer
    for my reading I searched terms: "virtual folder" , subfolder redirect, redirect subfolder to .asp

  3. While I learned some new terms, I'm not certain I'll even be using the correct language to ask this question.

  4. In attempt to migrate current webpage that is structred

    example.com/[files 1-30].asp


How do I make a browser pointed to :


load like example.com/products/widget/index.asp

without an /index.html in the file folder (no that .html is not an error see my trial and error below)?

  • Reasoning, I would like to structure for organization / growth / seo

      • example.com/products/widget/
      • example.com/products/super-widget/
      • example.com/other-product/not-so-super-widget
  • Presently, the site is hosted on Windows Server 2003 Microsoft-IIS/6.0

  • All of the page files are .asp

When I've experimented by pointing a browser to

I have success

I get "virtual directory not accessible"

when I tried
I have success

And then when I tried
I have success


Best Answer

Modify the default document for your web site to be index.asp in IIS.