Iis – How to make public a webservice in the Windows 2003 server

asp.netiisweb serviceswindows-server-2003

I'm trying to figure out how can I configure IIS to host a .NET Webservice (.asmx file) for public domain.

The idea is to make public the asmx url so anyone can view it using Internet Explorer using http://ourpublicserver.com/ourwebservice.asmx (so anonymous users can browse this service)

When we use Firefox on Linux to view this url address, the browser is throwing a window for user autentication (username and password). To supress this user authentication dialog we tried to configure IIS Manager, also tried asp.net impersonation.

Is there a step by step configuration to make this Webservice public? (user authentication is not necessary in our case)

Best Answer

Check directory permissions. Application Pool identity user must have read access to the directory and file. Also, make sure anonymous access is enabled in IIS Manager: right-click the application in IIS Manager -> Directory Security tab -> Authentication and access control, Edit -> Enable anonymous access. Usually the identity chosen looks like IUSR_Machinename. This user also must have read access to the folder.