Iis – How to setup IIS to rotate logs


I've used Apache for years and I've taken for granted that it handles log rotation for me. I've been digging through the IIS config and googling, but I can't find an option for IIS to turn on log rotation.

What is the preferred way to configure IIS to delete logs past a certain threshold? Are there any products out there that do this for you? What do enterprisy Windows shops do?

Configuration: IIS 6.0 / Windows Server 2003 32-bit

Best Answer

There's no built in mechanism to handle log rotation or archiving. There may be third party products to handle this chore or you could script something and configure a scheduled task. I have only a handfull of IIS servers so I just set up a recurring Task in Outlook to remind me monthly to delete IIS log files older than 30 days.