Iis – How to start/stop IIS 7 app pool from cmd line if there are spaces in the app pool name



The above URL describes how to start/stop an IIS 7 app pool. However, I have spaces in my app pool name. Double-quotes doesn't work. Ideas?

C:\Windows>C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd stop apppool /apppool.name: My Ap
p Services
Failed to process input: The parameter 'App' must begin with a / or - (HRESULT=8

C:\Windows>C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd stop apppool /apppool.name: "My A
pp Services"
ERROR ( message:The attribute "apppool.name" is not supported in the current com
mand usage. )

Best Answer

Type appcmd list apppool, and use exactly what it lists there in your appcmd start apppool /apppool.name:

Names with spaces should be escaped with double quotes. For example:

%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\inetsrv\appcmd stop apppool /apppool.name:"My App Services"

Post the exact command you're trying to run ; perhaps you missed the colon or there's another problem with the syntax?

Edit - you're adding a space between the colon and the first double-quote. Remove that space, use the double-quote, and see what happens.

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