IIS – How to use appcmd to add cache control rules to ARR


We are using IIS/ARR to act as a reverse proxy which is deployed on Windows Azure, as part of the role startup a CMD file runs which handles all of the configuration.

eg: %appcmd% set config -section:webFarms /-"[name='mywebfarm']" /commit:apphost

I am having a lot of trouble finding a way to create Cache Control Rules, as shown in this article via APPCMD

I've searched through all the config paths I can think of but cannot find any reference to cache control rules (even the ones I create manually).

Best Answer

The answer was provided via a crosspost this on the Microsof IIS forums.


You can generate the appcmd command by using Configuration Editor

  1. Open IIS Manager
  2. Click Configuration Editor icon on server level
  3. Expend the section treeview->Select "system.webServer/rewrite/globalRules"
  4. Add a rule
  5. Close the dialog windows
  6. Click Generate Script in right Actions pane)