Iis – Installing tcnative-1.dll


I am configuring Apache to run on an IIS server. The one requirement that I have left is to install the Tomact Native DLL. I have downloaded tcnative-1.dll from the Apache site. The instructions aren't clear on where I put this file on the web server. How do I install the DLL on the IIS server?


Best Answer

The official guide says:

Edit $CATALINA_BASE\bin\setenv.bat (creating the file if necessary) and add the path to the tc-native libraries, apr and OpenSSL to PATH. For example:

set PATH=%PATH;C:\cygwin\home\support\tomcat-native-current-win32-src\jni\native\Debug;C:\cygwin\home\support\tomcat-native-current-win32-src\jni\apr\Debug;C:\OpenSSL\lib\VC

And this means: add "C:\cygwin\home\support\tomcat-native-current-win32-src\jni\native\Debug" to the environment variable "PATH", so i believe that is where you should put this file.