Iis – limit IIS to use one rather than two processors

iiswindows 7

Our ASP.NET app uses a component that is licensed by the number of processor cores. Unfortunately, our customer wants to deploy the app onto a multi-function server (IIS, SQL Server, file server, etc.) that exceeds the number of processor cores for which the customer is licensed: they are allowed four cores but have two processors with four cores each. Can I configure IIS to use only one processor?

So I tried to set application pools settings

in applicationpool -> advance setting -> process affinity enable =ture
and I have set number of working process =1

After I have checked in task manager w3wp.exe-> set affinity its all core are selected

Where did I make error?

Best Answer

Set the affinity mask. By default it is all 1's (run on any core) so you would need to set it to a value with 4 bits set for 4 cores. For example to 15 for processors 0,1,2 and 3. (0xF).

CPU section of application pool settings