IIS “localhost” subdomain


I have an IIS7.5 server (also running SQL Server) which has a server name of (say) dc-db.

On this server, my IIS default site runs correctly on http://localhost and http://dc-db

I want to load on a web app to run at http://management.dc-db

I have created the new site, and attempted to use the following bindings for host name:

  1. management.*
  2. management.dc-db
  3. management.dc-db.local

In all cases, I get the standard
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

I should note that after each change the site was restarted.

I have read other acticles relating to wildcard subdomains, which is not what I want to do, and couldn't find anything useful in that regard. Happy to be corrected if this is a duplicate.

Best Answer

If they run a DNS server: Add a new Forward Lookup Zone, choose primary zone, and add subdomains to this local zone. Add A records for every subdomain you want to use, point them to the machine with the IIS server.

Then you can add the websites to IIS the way you did.

Make sure that all PCs use this DNS server.

This allows you to use any domain name on your local network. Make sure not to overwrite existing ones though, as that would break the original website.