Iis – Multiple Sites with Different IP Addresses


I'm not an admin so this may seem to be a very simplistic question. Currently, I have ten ASP.NET Web Forms sites on a W2K8 hosted VM – I manage it myself. Right now, all the sites have the same server IP address and I want to change this so that each site has its own IP (that with which they were originally registered). Initially, I used the server IP when setting the bindings – I'm guessing that IIS set these as host headers?

What are the steps involved in setting this up in IIS? Do I have to change the way email is configured in all the individual Web.Config files? (currently mailing from server IP mail host).

Best Answer

Generally what you need to do is:

  1. Assign the extra IPs to the network adapter properties in the Control Panel.
  2. Edit the bindings in IIS like in the image below (the IP Address dropdown) enter image description here

  3. Change your A records to reflect the new IP address for each website on your DNS server.