Iis – ny open source web server monitor for IIS

iismonitoringopen sourceweb-server

Are there any decent open source web server monitor app for IIS? Something decent that could track for example:

  • Activity/throughput
  • Response time
  • CPU usage
  • Memory usage
  • Disk usage
  • Anything other useful stats

I've searched around code.google, codeplex, etc and haven't found much so far.

Best Answer

All of that information is exposed via perfmon counters, so you have multiple options:

  1. An NMS that can read perfmon counters. nagios or zabbix are two I recommend. Zabbix is much, much easier to use if you're from a windows background, but both of them are way overkill for monitoring a single server

  2. Use the built-in windows performance monitoring. It will give you live (and if you configure it, historical) statistics, but does little besides actually give you raw numbers.

  3. Roll your own. Perfmon can be configured to log all that stuff into a CSV file or an SQL database. You can then analyse them however you need.

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