IIS Output Caching with ISAPI extension


I have an application running in IIS via an ISAPI extension with outputs JSON files based on the input URL (it works with a RESTful interface – the URLs are of the form http://domain/path/to/resource.json).

The application works well but I am unable to get IIS Output Caching working for the files I am generating.

In my web.config I have:

            <add extension=".json" policy="CacheForTimePeriod" kernelCachePolicy="DontCache" duration="00:00:30" />

I've also tried using * but that doesn't work either.

Any ideas why this would not work? Thanks!

Best Answer

By default, caching is disabled on ISAPI filters, and I don't believe it can be enabled through the GUI. Install the ISAPI filter and enable the caching feature by modifying the <isapiFilters> section of the web.config or by utilizing appcmd.exe.

appcmd.exe Example:

appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/isapiFilters /+"[name='YourJsonIsapi',path='c:\yourpath\YourJsonIsapi.dll',enabled='True',enableCache='True']" /commit:apphost

web.config Example:

            path="C:\yourpath\YourJsonIsapi.dll" />
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