IIS permissions to allow outgoing REST http requests from site code


I can't use outgoing http requests in IIS due some security permissions or something

I am trying to use my own REST http service (it is a standalone application) on localhost in my perl CGI site

use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent -> new (timeout => 600);
my $response = $ua -> get ('');
if ($response -> is_error ()) {
    die join ("\n\n",
        $response -> error_as_HTML ()
        , $response -> code ()
        , $response -> content ()
        , $response -> status_line ()

Here what I've got

<head><title>An Error Occurred</title></head>
<h1>An Error Occurred</h1>
<p>500 Can't connect to</p>


Can't connect to

Invalid argument. at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/LWP/Protocol/http.pm line 60.

500 Can't connect to at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\test\lib\Content\_lib.pm line 724.

my service is a standalone application outside of IIS, it is running and gives an alive status when I access via browser; I can see it is listening on port 8000; I turned off firewall

same configuration with same application works with lighttpd on linux box, problem occurs only when I run under windows and IIS

I tried to run my perl CGI application pool as Network Service and even Local System account – same result

How should I configure IIS to allow outgoing http REST calls to another standalone webservice on localhost?


After some low-level investigation, it looks like this is common IIS problem

just google IIS Can't create TCP/IP socket (10106)

Best Answer

It's not a security restriction. Perl tries to find some driver's dll's in system registry:


but path to dll is based on environment variable %SystemRoot%, and IIS do not pass environment through FastCGI

Add following text to your programm:


    $ENV {SYSTEMROOT} = "C:\\Windows";
